Payment Terms

payment of the total price 50% upfront and 50% upon completion of development for website and First month advance for digital marketing.

Spam, Warez, Piracy and Illegal Activities

Gitsys does not permit any of it’s services to be used for illegal purposes. These include but are not limited to spam, unsolicited commercial email, warez hosting, piracy and hacking related activities. Gitsys will remain the sole arbiter in what constitutes any of these activities. You acknowledge that participation in any of these activities will result in immediate termination without refund. Gitsys may involve law enforcement authorities if we deem necessary.

 Child Pornography

Gitsys discovers child pornography on any services provided to You, your account will be immediately terminated without refund. Your personal details will be passed to law enforcement authorities and we will assist fully with law enforcement authorities around the world to seek charges against You.

Hacking/Denial of Service/Sniffing/Spoofing

Gitsys do not permit any type of hacking, denial of service, distributed denial of service, sniffing, spoofing, password cracking or similar malicious activities to be performed on or by it’s services. We will remain the sole arbiter in what constitutes any of these activities. You acknowledge that participation in any of these activities will result in immediate termination without refund. We may involve law enforcement authorities if we deem necessary.

Backup restoration

If your account was cancelled or suspended for non-payment and you still need your data to take with you there is a charge for all inquiries regarding previous services and / or support. We generally keep backups available for a period of 30 days after account cancellation, but can provide no guarantees on the actual length of availability of a backup.

Web Hosting Services

Gitsys has strict resource usage restrictions on Web Hosting Services. These are designed to maintain the integrity, security and performance of our web servers. Failure to abide by these restrictions may result in account suspension or termination without refund.

Disk Usage Provision

70% or more of your content on your website must be linked from an HTML or similarly coded web page where all content is freely available to the public. Your website consists of web pages of a standard design, essentially HTML based text and graphics. Downloadable files, media, streaming content or any file which consumes more than 500kb of space must not exceed 30% of your total used disk quota.